Sunday, October 7, 2007


So Landon and I went up to Utah for the weekend..again, kind of a spear of the moment of kind thing. It was really nice to be alone with my boys and just get away. So in my last post I had mention that I was totally addicted to the Twilight series, which I am. So when we were up in St. George we (meaning I, telling Landon) had to stop at the Deseret Book Store so I can buy the New Moon. OH MY GOSH!!! I read that book in three days! LOVE IT!! So how wonderful is Edward, for those out there who have read it! I'm so in love with their love story. I could totally tell that Landon was jealous of the book this weekend because I spent more time with the book then him. Well it was my vacation too. I'm going to be so sad when its all over. But I am looking forward for the movie!

Things you can tell when your Addicted to the book.....for those of you who have read it, you'll have a good laugh.

1. Caught daydreaming about the reunion they would have, where and when and how she would react (however, it was totally not what I thought)

2. Had a really bad dream about Victoria

3. Became scared of the dark, because......well everything that is in the book.

4. However, I was hoping that Edward would just show up on the side of my bed telling me it would be just fine

5. Starting to think that Vampires aren't as scary as I thought, and there is something ...exciting about them.
6. Trying my hardest to really picture how beautiful Edward is.
7. Yelling at Bella saying "YES !!!!!!" (I don't want to give away something, but it is towards the end of the The New Moon")


Jenn said...

you go girl! i totally agree with you on all of those things! My hubby lost me for the whole week & me and my friends still talk about the storyline and what will happen and who would be the perfect Edward for the movie and so forth... her writing is amazing! I heart vampires!!

Heidi said...

i still have yet to read any of them... i will once i get a minute away from all this house shtuff...