Monday, April 27, 2009

a big leap for mom

(I did not pick his lunch box.....his dad did. Thought it was the coolest. Mom not so much. As you can see Wyatt was so excited about it.)

I didn't think I could do with out crying. But somehow I did. A little shaky while I got him ready. I couldn't believe that today he would go. He was just a baby yesterday. But today a strong willed boy that is not afraid. He was ready about a year ago. I just held on as long as I could. However, today was the day that Wyatt started pre-school.

He was so excited he couldn't think straight. All weekend he said I was going to be sad and he was going to be so happy. And he was right. Sad that the school thing is now started but very happy for him to make new friends and be in school. Also very happy for me to have a little more time to myself.


Nora's world said...

I know how you feel. Where is he going?

Amanda said...

Aww so cute!! It's all a part of them growing up!!

marisa said...

yeah wyatt!!! i am so proud of you big guy. what a handsome grown-up boy you are. and with an AWESOME lunchbox.


aunt marisa

Heidi said...

How cute is that! I hope you are doing okay. Im not too excited about that day. we will see if I can get myself to let Jackson out of the house.

A new Flight Attendant, said...

He looks so old! Yay for Wyatt! Preschool is so fun, hope he loves it!

Please enjoy... said...

i can't even imagine yet, that one day max will be in his shoes. they do grow up fast, huh?

Haley Dennis said...

Yay, I didn't realize Wyatt is so old! My little half cousin! Here is a link to my blog:

bladhfamily said...

I feel like a bad mom because I was so excited when Tyler went to preschool and I am real excited to see him go to kindergarten. Thanks for taking our big family pic again. I love Katies pics. Beautiful!